Solar Eclipse

Today, Monday August 21st marks the first solar eclipse visible in North America in over thirty years. A solar eclipse is defined as an observable point inn time in which the moon passes between the sun and earth and blocks the sun for a significant amount of time. The eclipse viewable today is estimated to last nearly three full minutes. Though it has been stated that anyone within the continental US will have views of this event, the best geographic locations to observe include; Oregon, Idaho, Washington, South Carolina, Georgia, tennessee, Kentucky, Nebraska, Missouri, and Wyoming. While enjoying this rare occasion is a special treat, we still need to be sure that we take care of our eyes and protect them while viewing the eclipse. It is important to not look at the eclipse with the naked eye as it can cause serious damage to ones eyes. There are several options for safe viewing including filtering devices and specially made glasses. Be sure to utilize one of these options as you want maintain good vision.


Want to see better after 40? PIE is the answer…

A procedure that has been described as “life changing,” by several patients and has helped the lives of so many individuals. Pie, or presbyopic refractive lens exchange procedure, involves exchanging the natural lens for an artificial acrylic lens. There are a variety of different lens choose from which can be selected by recommendation of the surgeon, coupled with the patients lifestyle and specific vision needs. For this procedure the eyes are operated on one at a time. (Typically two weeks apart).  Benefits of this procedure; allows patients to see near, middle, and distance accommodate their vision not their lifestyle while also preventing cataract development in the future.

For further information, Dr. Rajesh Khanna’s book titled Miracle of Pie is an excellent resource for researching, and learning more about this procedure.


CXL Crosslinking Buzzword of the Ophthalmology community

CXL – Corneal Collagen Crosslinking

This is a procedure which aims to treat often genetically acquired Keratoconus. Keratoconus creates a misshapen cornea, this condition needs to be treated or it will create further vision impediments and will create an inability for the individual to see. If left untreated, the condition will only worsen. CXL (crosslink) treats the affected eye/eyes by strengthening and lifting the cornea.

This procedure is minimally invasive and has two variations. Epi- on, or Epi-off. (This refers to the epithelium layer of the eye.)These varieties differ in the way in which they work to treat the epithelium layer. For example:

Epithelium-off CXL. This procedure removes the epithelium’s outer layer. After this, liquid riboflavin is applied and works to penetrate the tissue of the cornea. (This is the FDA approved version of the procedure. )

Epithelium-on CXL. In this procedure, the corneal epithelium is left intact, and therefore there is a longer application of riboflavin.